Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oil, Politics and Violence

I guess it was George Santayana who said that those ignorant of history are bound to repeat its mistakes. Those of us born between the Nigerian independence and the first military coup, those of us who went through the horrors of the Nigerian civil war, are still trying to figure out why we, Nigerians, are the way we are. What has happened to Nigeria? Why hasn't it realized its enormous potential? Will it ever realize that?
Max Siollun has an explanation. His book,Oil, Politics and Violence, seems to add yet another mosaic in the complex tapestry of Nigerian history.
I am sincerely interested in this book. I, for one, belong to the above described generation, the generation traumatized by war and the attendant diseases.
Max Siollun is kind enough to pull together some of the reviews of his book HERE! Enjoy.

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